How to Safely Get Rid of Ground Bees: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ground bees are bees that live alone, not in big groups like some other bees. They make tiny holes in the ground to lay their eggs. These bees are important because they help plants grow by pollinating them. However, sometimes they can be a problem, especially if there are a lot of them near places where kids and pets play. Their holes can make the yard uneven, which might cause people to trip and fall.

When and How to Safely Remove Ground Bees

Choosing the Right Time

The best time to handle ground bees is early in the spring. This is when the queen bees are just starting to make new homes. Ground bees aren’t very active when it’s cool, so try to work on this early in the morning or late in the evening.

Staying Safe

Before you start, make sure to wear the right protective gear. This includes gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and shoes that cover your whole foot. Also, have a plan to quickly leave the area if the bees start to get upset.

How to Get Rid of Them

  • Soap and Water: At night, pour a mix of water and soap that can break down in nature into the bees’ holes. This blocks the bees’ airways and gently stops them from breathing without harsh chemicals.
  • Vinegar: You can spray a mix of equal parts water and vinegar around where the bees are during the evening. Vinegar is a natural way to keep bees away.
  • Oils: Bees don’t like certain smells, like peppermint or citrus. You can put cotton balls soaked in these oils near where the bees go into the ground.

Other Ways

  • Barriers: You can cover the ground with heavy covers or special gardening fabric to stop the bees from getting to their holes, which makes them move away.
  • Bee Vacuums: Some professionals have special vacuums to gently remove bees without hurting them. This is a good way to move the bees somewhere else safely.

Using Stronger Methods

It’s best to avoid using strong bug killers because they can hurt the environment. If you must use them, pick ones made just for ground bees and follow the directions carefully.

Keeping Bees Away in the Future

  • Plants: Growing thick plants like thyme or juniper on the ground can keep bees from wanting to make homes there.
  • Mulch: Putting a thick layer of mulch on the ground can stop bees from getting to the soil to dig.

Regular Yard Care

  • Check Often: Look around your yard regularly, especially in the spring, to see if new bee holes are starting.
  • Clean Up: Keep your yard clean and free of extra stuff where bees might want to nest.

When to Get Help

If you still see a lot of bees or if there are mean bees like yellow jackets, you might need a professional. Find someone who knows how to deal with bees kindly and can move them without killing them.


How can I tell if I have ground bees?

Look for small piles of dirt with a big hole on top. These piles are usually in sunny places where the grass isn’t thick. 

Why are there ground bees in my yard?

Ground bees like places where the soil is dry and not covered by a lot of plants. They might pick your yard because it has open dirt areas or the grass is not very thick, making it easy for them to dig their homes.

Can ground bees hurt me?

Ground bees are mostly safe. They like to be alone and are not as quick to sting as other bees. Only female ground bees can sting, and they usually only do that if they feel very scared or threatened. Male ground bees can’t sting at all.

What can make ground bees leave?

If you make your yard less inviting, ground bees will go away. You can do this by making the area shadier, watering the soil more so it’s not so dry, or planting thick ground plants. 

Do ground bees go away in the winter?

Yes, ground bees are only around in the spring and early summer. They finish their life cycle by the end of summer, and the adult bees die when it gets cold. The baby bees stay in the nests over the winter and come out when it’s spring again. So, you won’t see ground bees in the winter.


Removing ground bees needs careful steps to keep everyone safe and to help the environment. By using these tips, you can handle bee problems in a good way and keep these helpful insects doing their important job for nature.

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